Monday, July 13, 2009

Só um dia mais...

Só um dia mais...

At times I feel like vanishing
Y a veces me siento desvanecer...
The mere thought of you makes me feel warm inside,
enlightened by the pure reflex of your smile in my eyes...
Y es así como me mantienes levantado por las noches,
Ansioso, ilusionado,
And I wonder when you'll make up your mind,
and decide what you feel for me...
Or could it be that you already have,
and I'm too blind to see it?
Te necesito, tu presencia,
sentirme confortado por tu mirada que refleja paz.
And on the other hand,
you're so troubled for what happens around you.
And in those moments I love being there for you,
telling you those things about yourself that you already know,
only need reminding of...
Ponerte allá arriba en el pedestal en que mereces estar...
But at the same time joking about banal things,
putting your feet back in the ground, here,
among us mortals, sinners, absurd beings,
for whom your sole being around makes days glow.
With your intense inner beacon...
You Muse of mine, you...
How I wish you were not only a Muse, but 'of mine' as well...

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